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Registration in September 453 (151 Scouts, 33 Venturers, 269 Cubs, 73 Leaders)

1st Summerland Group
1st Summerland Scouts, Victor Smith Scoutmaster, Gunther John, Arthur Jacques ASM (awarded 5 year service pin)
1st Summerland Venturers, N. Abernethy Advisor (awarded 5 year ervice pin)
Group Chair H. Hughes
Sponsored by Branch 22, Royal Canadian Legion
Scouts Ken Powell and Eric Munn attended World Jamboree in Asagiri Heights, Japan

2nd Summerland Group
2nd Summerland Cubs, Bill Austin Akela, Mr Bean ACM, Jim Brown Baloo  (30 Cubs), Eric Munn, Shawn Gibson
2nd Summerland Scouts folded
Cliff Gibson Group Chair
Sponsored by United Church

1st Penticton Group
1st Penticton Beavers
1st Penticton Cubs,  Mrs Ann Kenyon, Mary Theodosakis Akela, Larry Gray Baloo, Anna Wallich, Judy Cross, Dr L C Gray
1st Penticton Scouts, Leader George Collins, Barry Pollock
1st Penticton Venturers, Jack Stocks Advisor (awarded 30 year service pin)  (10 Venturers), Chris Bomford
Group Chair Ross McLachlan (awarded 5 year service pin)
Group Committee Howard Duncan (awarded 5 year service pin)
Ron Tuck awarded “Queen’s Award” (1st Penticton Venturer)

2nd Penticton Group
2nd Penticton Cubs, Mr. Clare Giampa Akela, Mr. Duncan Jamieson ACM (awarded 5 year service pin)
2nd Penticton Scouts, Bill Holowatiuk Scoutmaster, Dan Grewcutt ASM, Paul Ewashen ASM, Gordon Morgan ASM. Bill Swordy ASM leaving.
Group Chair Henry Bartel

3rd Penticton Group
3rd Penticton Cubs, Dorothy Starkey Akela, Doug Fraser ACM, Joyce Stapleton ACM (awarded 5 year service pin), Barbara Giesbrecht  (25 Cubs)
3rd Penticton Scouts, Jack Sworder Scoutmaster (awarded 10 year service pin), Grant MacDonald ASM, Philip Holmes   (9 Scouts)
3rd Penticton Venturers, Randy Manuel Advisor  (7 Venturers)
Sponsored by Anglican Church
Group Chair Ralph Robinson

4th Penticton Group
4th Penticton Scouts

5th Penticton Group
5th Penticton Cubs, Dave Trupp Akela , Barbara Schwartz ACM, Debbie Deeter ACM, Erin Roth ACM, Jack Deppisch ACM, Ken Mullins (20 Cubs)
5th Penticton Scouts, David Trupp Scoutmaster, Constable Wills , Andrew Rae ASM, Pat Stevens ASM, Constable Folkers ASM, Brad Houston ASM
Group Chair Ian Swanson/Ron Deeter

6th Penticton Group
6th Penticton Cubs, Don Brown Akela, Ken Halverson, Bill Willis, George Street(41 Cubs)
6th Penticton Venturers, Larry Pollard Assistant Advisor (awarded 5 year service pin)
Sponsored by United Church
Group Chair Dennis Hill

8th Penticton Group
8th Penticton Cubs merge with 5th Penticton Cubs
8th Penticton Scouts folded

9th Penticton Group
9th Penticton Cubs, Joan Grimsdick, John Gates ACM, Ken Chambers, Pat Coleman, Rob Denesiuk, Dan Thorpe, Robert Cole (30 Cubs)
9th Penticton Scouts, Brad Houston Scoutmaster, Ian Folkers, Barry Mottershead, Sandy Ross ASM (30 Scouts)
Group Chair Bill Sparks

1st West Bench Group
1st West Bench Cubs, Const Larry Hunter Akela, Jean Gibb, Wayne Hardwicke’
Group Chair Ian Folkers

1st Naramata Group
1st Naramata Cubs, Norma Hill Akela, Lynn Wiseman ACM, Penny Rickett ACM, Brad Molyneux  (17 Cubs)
1st Naramata Scouts,  Jack Wilmshurst, Jake van Westen Scoutmaster (awarded 5 year service pin), Robert Hancock
Group Committee Mrs Motz (awarded 5 year service pin)
Group Chair Fred McCosh

1st Cawston Group
Group Committee Otto Klemke (awarded 5 year service pin)
Group Committee, John Wills (awarded 5 year service pin)

1st Keremeos Group
1st Keremeos Cubs, Murphy Shewchuck Akela (12 Cubs)
Group Chair B A Sladen

1st Okanagan Falls Group
Group Committee Audrey Steeves

1st Oliver Group
Group Committee Shirley Roberts

2nd Oliver Group
2nd Oliver Scouts, Danny Roberts Scoutmaster, Harold King ASM

1st Osoyoos Group
1st Osoyoos Cubs, Dick Haycroft Akela, ACM Gordon Shepherd, ACM Jim Shaw, ACM Mike Westcott, ACM Pat Mackey, ACM Martin Avery
1st Osoyoos Scouts, Gary Schaeffer Scoutmaster
Group Chair Gord Clark

District Commissioner Dave McDonald (South OK)
District Commissioner Harold King ((Okanagan Boundary)
District Scouter Irwin Hobden, Gordon Blewett
ADC Cubs Rita Fawcett
ADC Scouts Jack Wilmshurst
ADC Venturers Jack Stocks
ADC Special Uniform Events Bob Winter
District President Gordon Harris
Regional President Bob Winter

13th World Scout Jamboree – Asagiri Heights, Japan, 1971. Set in the foothills of Mount Fuji, the 13th World Scout Jamboree will be considered by many to have been aptly numbered, for it attracted an unwelcome visitor in the shape of Typhoon Oliver!The 20,000 Scouts, including 437 Scouts and Venture Scouts and 49 adult Leaders from the UK, found themselves amidst a sea of black mud and buffeted by high winds for close on three days. Conditioned previously by camping in “typical British summer weather”, many of the UK Scouts were able to last out the trying conditions and help their less fortunate neighbours in the waterlogged 800 acre camp site.Despite the typhoon, the Scouts managed to carry out many of the planned activities including a World Scout Forum, expeditions up Mount Fuji and an International Evening with displays of national skills, dancing and song. Scouts Ken Powell and Eric Munn attended from Summerland.

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