Kobau District was scheduled to merge with South Okanagan
Beaver program was introduced
Chief Scout Award introduced to replace Queen’s Scout
Camp Faulder in Summerland transferred to District from 1st Summerland Group
1st Summerland Group
1st Summerland Cubs, David Smith Cubmaster, ACM Greg Sutton, ACM Lou Campana, ACM Don Trueman
1st Summerland Scouts, Victor Smith Scoutmaster, ASM Gunther John (22 Scouts)
Sponsored by Branch 22, Royal Canadian Legion
Group Chair Don Fisher
2nd Summerland Group
2nd Summerland Cubs
2nd Summerland Scouts
Sponsored by United Church
1st Penticton Group
1st Penticton Cubs, Akela Nan Kenyon, ACM Mary Theodosakis, ACM Dr Gray, Robbie Cross, Carla Kenyon (26 Cubs)
1st Penticton Scouts, Don Allen Scoutmaster, Victor Mollerup ASM, Steve Puffer ASM
Group Chair Murray Dean
2nd Penticton Group
2nd Penticton Cubs
3rd Penticton Group
3rd Penticton Cubs, Ken Gisborne Akela, George Ducharme Akela (mid season), ACM Les Ray
3rd Penticton Scouts/Venturers, Jack Sworder Scoutmaster, Randy Manuel Leader/Advisor
Sponsored by Anglican Church
4th Penticton Group
4th Penticton Cubs, Tyra (Terry) Wells Akela, ACM Cameron Williams (Bagheera), ACM Robin Durham, ACM Mr Farmer
“1st Baptist” Group becomes “4th Penticton” Group, Baptist Church Sponsor
5th Penticton Group folded
6th Penticton Group
6th Penticton Beavers
6th Penticton Cubs Ron Meaver Akela, ACM Don Brown, ACM George Street (47 Cubs)6th Penticton Scouts 24 Scouts)
Robin Brown awarded Medal of Meritorious Conduct
7th Penticton Group
7th Penticton Scouts (12 Scouts)
8th Penticton Group
8th Penticton Cubs,Don Wood Akela, ACM Bill Thompson (26 Cubs)
8th Penticton Scouts, Scoutmaster Trupp, ASM Andrew Rae (10 Scouts)
10 Scouts going to Jamboree?
9th Penticton Group
9th Penticton Cub, Ken Chambers Akela, ACM Don Knox, ACM John Gates, ACM Rob Denesiuk, ACM Dan Thorpe, ACM Pat Coleman (30 Cubs)
9th Penticton Scouts, Brad Houston Scoutmaster, Derek lindsay ASM, Wes Herdman ASM, Gordon Houston ASM (30 Scouts)
Sponsored by United Church of Canada
1st West Bench Group
1st West Bench Cubs, Allen Moore Akela, ACM John Lachuk, ACM Rose Edge, ACM June Kline, ACM Hazel Tarrant
1st West Bench Scouts, restarted after a few years absence by Scoutmaster Ian Folkers
Group Chair Mrs June Kline
1st Naramata Group
1st Naramata Cubs, E. Hofman Akela, ACM Jim McPhee, ACM Brad Molyneux (Kaa)
1st Keremeos Group
1st Keremeos Cubs, Murphy Shewchuk Akela
1st Okanagan Falls Group
Group Committee Audrey Steeves
1st Oliver Group
1st Oliver Cubs, Don Shippitt Akela
Group Committee Shirley Roberts
2nd Oliver Group
2nd Oliver Scouts, Danny Roberts Scoutmaster
2nd Oliver Group folded at the end of this Scouting year (spring of 1974)
1st Osoyoos Group
1st Osoyoos Cubs
1st Osoyoos Scouts
Group Chair Joyce Hopkins
Memorial for Rob Halcrow sponsored
District Commissioner Dave McDonald, Jock Hart transitioned to role
District Chair R Roger
ADC Irwin Hobden
District President Dennis Hill
Regional President Bob Winter
Beaver Program Coordinator Don Brown