Groups active? Numbers?
Lady Baden-Powell visited Penticton on October 9., 1955. Ceremonies were held at King’s Park
1st Summerland Group
1st Summerland Cubs, Isabel McCargar Cubmaster, Allan McCargar ACM
1st Summerland Scouts, D.M. Munn Scoutmaster replaced by Rob Read mid-year, Eric Brinton ASM, Bill Clark ASM
Group Chair Dr. D.L. McIntosh
Sponsored by Branch 22, Royal Canadian Legion
Scouts Harold Oxley and Ted Hannah attended World Jamboree at Niagara on the Lake, Ontario
2nd Summerland Group
2nd Summerland Cubs, Mrs A McCargar Akela
2nd Summerland Scouts, Doug Campbell Scoutmaster, replaced by Woolliams, then Allan McCargar
McGibbon Group Chair
Sponsored by United Church
1st Penticton Group
1st Penticton Cubs, Leaders Mrs C S Conley Akela, Mrs White ACM, Mrs Thomas ACM
1st Penticton Scouts, Jack Stocks Scoutmaster, Ron Bradshaw ASM
1st Penticton Rovers, Don Jones Advisor
Scouts Murray Dean, Alastair Bennie, Bob Meyers, Pat Shipton, Ken Laidlaw, Bruce Dalrymple, Barry Abbott and Jack Boulding attended World Jamboree at Niagara on the Lake, Ontario. Jack Stocks attended as Scouter.
Scouts Philip Paslawski, Leslie Trabert, Jack Boulding, Bruce Dalrymple and Bernie Bermbach achieve Queen’s Scout status
Frank McDonald Group Chair, replaced by Len Hill
2nd Penticton Group
2nd Penticton Cubs, Mrs Baulkham Akela
2nd Penticton Scouts, Ron Jensen ASM, Mr Gilmour ASM
Mr Bartlett Group Chair
3rd Penticton Group
3rd Penticton Cubs
3rd Penticton Scouts, Irwin Hobden Scoutmaster
Sponsored by Anglican Church
5th Penticton Group
5th Penticton Scouts, Mr Gordon SM, Steve Stogre ASM, Larry Adamson ASM
Mrs Richter Group Chair
6th Penticton Group
6th Penticton Cubs
Sponsored by United Church, Penticton
1st Naramata Group
1st Naramata Scouts, Gwyn Russell SM, Mr Tennant ASM
1st Hedley Group
1st Hedley Scouts, Fred Brent Scoutmaster
Scout Robert Calderoni attends World Jamboree at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, courtesy of Bank of Nova Scotia contest.
Scouts Danny Collins, Bob Graham and Paul McInnis attend World Jamboree in Niagara-on-the-Lake
1st Oliver Group
1st Oliver Scouts
Scout Roy Hayter achieves Queen’s Scout status
Scout R B Hayter attends World Jamboree at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
2nd Oliver Group
2nd Oliver Scouts, Les Smith Scoutmaster, Jim Smith ASM, R Malcolm ASM
Founded in July, 1955, as “Oliver United Church Scout Troop”
Group President Hec Scott
Group Chair (Acting) Frank McDonald.
Adopted navy and red neckerchief.
1st Osoyoos Group
1st Osoyoos Cubs “A” Pack, Geoffrey King Akela, Mrs Barton ACM, Michael Mepham ACM
1st Osoyoos Cubs “B” Pack, Roy Degenstein Akela, Mrs McHugh ACM, Georger Sutton ACM
1st Osoyoos Scouts, Harold King Scoutmaster, E Albrecht ASM
District Commissioner, J.B. (Jim) Laidlaw (South OK)
Isobel McCargar DCM (OK South)
District Commissioner Jim Mitchell (Okanagan Boundary)
J D Southworth retires as Commissioner for South Okanagan
Dr T H Anstey President South Okanagan District Council (A A Swift continues on Council)
Field Executive Jack Scrivener receives 5-year Bar added to long service medal (total 15 years)/em>
Carleton McNaughton appointed to Provincial Training Team
1955 Patrol Leader Conference. Scouters Irwin Hobden and Jack Stocks are in back row on the left, Jim Laidlaw, Bob Winter and Vic Wilson on far left. Gwyn Russell on right.
World Jamboree at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara, Ontario, in August, 1955. Approximately 11,000 Scouts attended. Local attendees were Scouts Harold Oxley and Ted Hannah from 1st Summerland, Scouts Murray Dean, Alastair Bennie, Bob Meyers, Pat Shipton, Ken Laidlaw, Bruce Dalrymple, Barry Abbott and Jack Boulding from 1st Penticton, Scouts Danny Collins, Bob Graham and Paul McInnis from 1st Hedley, and Scout R B Hayter from 1st Oliver.Scout Robert Calderoni won a free trip to Jamboree in an essay contest sponsored by the Bank of Nova Scotia in Penticton. Assistant Scoutmaster Jim Cade (1st Hedley) attended as part of the “B.C. Scout Staff in Sub-Camp Pacific”. J.D. Southworth, District Commissioner, was in charge of Okanagan Troop #11 (Ogopogo Troop). Jack Stocks, Scoutmaster 1st Penticton, worked in one of the Trading Posts. Jack Scrivener, Scouts Canada Field Executive, was a Quartermaster. Ron Jensen, 2nd Penticton ASM, was attached to the Pacific HQ Cooking Staff. 429 people attended from British Columbia.