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Groups active

1st Summerland Group
1st Summerland Beavers, Marlene Hikitchi Leader (United Church sponsorship)
1st Summerland Cubs, Carol Maye Cubleader, Darlene Forsdick
1st Summerland Scouts, A.A. Landriault Scoutmaster, I M Hayes, A Elliot, E R Osborne
Group Chair H. de Boer
Sponsored by Branch 22, Royal Canadian Legion
Scouts Kim Schroyen, Corey Schroyen, Sergio Falzo, Andrew de Boer, Marty Austin, Dwayne Connolly, Pat Jaffray, Alex Elliott, Philip Balcaen and David Maye attended Canadian Jamboree in Cabot Park, PEI. Al Landriault and Philip Balcaen attended as Leaders.
2nd Summerland Group
2nd Summerland Beavers, Leaders Karen Haven, Brian Haven, Marlene Munroe
2nd Summerland Cubs, Leaders Jim Lloyd, Jim Saiden
2nd Summerland Scouts ?
Sponsored by United Church
Nelly Hewton Group Chair
1st Penticton Group
1st Penticton Beavers, Marcia Dean Leader, Janyce Cample, Grace Metz, Paul Niedgielski, Jerry Pash
1st Penticton Cubs, Leaders Stu Patterson, Kelly Fairholm, Rob Cross, Lloyd Ramfo
1st Penticton Scouts, Victor Mollerup ASM, Derek Lindsay, Cameron Gale
Scouts Allan Combres, Bruce Dacre, Kevin Sharpe, Brian Wallich attended Canadian Jamboree in Cabot Park, PEI
Scouts Allan Combres, Bruce Dacre, Kevin Sharpe and Brian Wallich achieve Chief Scout status.
Bernie Wallich Group Chair
3rd Penticton Group3rd Penticton Beavers, Leaders Bob Bebault, Susan Davis, Pamela Dodd
3rd Penticton Cubs, Leaders Al Dawkins, Leland Stroman, Leona Dodd, Linda Dodd, Judith Dodd, Laura Kane
3rd Penticton Scouts, Leaders Colin Dodd, Jim Kane /Venturers, Randy Manuel Leader/Advisor
Sponsored by Anglican Church
Flo Kane Group Chair
4th Penticton Group
4th Penticton Beavers, Leaders Eleanor Lang, Linda Snow
4th Penticton Cubs, Terry Wells Akela
4th Penticton Scouts, Leaders Bob Denesiuk, Tim Gladish, William Batten, Steven Ward
Irene Luscombe Group Chair
6th Penticton Group
6th Penticton Beavers?
6th Penticton Cubs, Leaders Don Brown, Brian Drage
6th Penticton Scouts, Jack Sworder SM, Don Brown ASM
Mrs August Mayert Group Chair
7th Penticton Group
7th Penticton Cubs, Leaders Paul Oviatt, Leona Tress
7th Penticton Scouts, Leader Robert Christian
Cliff Moses Group Chair
9th Penticton Group
9th Penticton Cubs, Philip Morrison ACM, Ken Jones, Linda Lawrence
9th Penticton Scouts, Derek Lindsay ASM, Sandy Ross, Ken McClure
Bill Sparks Group Chair
1st West Bench Group
1st West Bench Cubs, Leaders Clara Lintott, Marlene Bryant
1st West Bench Scouts, D Mitchell SM
Mrs I Ray Group Chair
1st Kaleden Group
1st Kaleden Beavers, Leaders Diane Lauritzen, Judy Enzman, Bev Brent, Bill Lauritzen
Jim Mcgill Group Chair
1st Naramata Group
1st Naramata Cubs starting mid season, Leaders David Trupp, David Grove-Bolmeer
Mrs A Logie Group Chair
1st Keremeos Group
1st Keremeos Beavers, Leaders Roger Shaw, Phyllis Nelson, Steven Brodie, Louise Thompson
1st Keremeos Cubs, Leaders Murphy Shewchul, Fred Nelson
Janette Dennis Group Chair
Princeton-Hi Tillicum Group
Princeton Hi Tillicum Beavers, Leaders Al Thornton, Monica McIntosh, Brenda Bertts, Marilyn Hearty
Princeton Hi Tillicaum Cubs, Leaders Dennis Hills, Bob Mitchell, Jim Mountford, Martin Visser, Gary Raymond, Linda Angstadt, George Dodd
Princeton Hi Tillicum Scouts, Leaders Ken Burke, Shane McMillan, Robert McCormick, Tom Steels
Mrs Pat Graf Group Chair
1st Okanagan Falls Group
1st Okanagan Falls Cubs, Leaders Mrs Leslie Hazar, Clyde McDougal, Margaret McDougal, Joe Ransome
1st Okanagan Falls Scouts, Leaders Lloyd Neddery, Richie Bunyan, Thomas Coff
Group Committee Audrey Steeves
Group Chair Robert Hall
1st Oliver Group
1st Oliver Cubs ( 2 Packs), Melvin Shannon Akela, Don Shippitt ACM, Shirley Roberts ACM, Paul Chernoff, Cliff Hands, Jim Ouelette, Linda Chafrich, Ray Turner, Mani Anganu, Gail Blidook
1st Oliver Scouts, Leaders Dan Roberts, Jim Ruhland
2nd Oliver Group
2nd Oliver Cubs
1st Osoyoos Scouts
1st Osoyoos Group
1st Osoyoos Beavers
First Osoyoos Cubs Harold King ACM, Vern Svendson, Bob Dell
1st Osoyoos Scouts, Ian Cox Leader

Mike Westcott Group Chair
Scout Lance Shepherd attended Canadian Jamboree in Cabot Park, PEI
Scout Lance Shepherd achieves Chief Scout status.

Harold W. B. King awarded Medal of Merit.
F. Carleton McNaughton awarded Silver Acorn.
Harold Schellenberger awarded Certificate of Good Service.

Competition started April 29, 1978 for design of new District badge. Idea scrapped due to no submissions.

District Commissioner Irwin Hobden
Terry Wells Director District Cubs
D Lindsay, R Davis District Scouts
Harold King Program Director Scouts (Oliver/Osoyoos)
District Council President Don Fisher
District Service Team June Cuming
District Service Team Jim Laidlaw
Regional President Bob Winter
ARC Scouts George Layer

The 4th Canadian Scout Jamboree was held in 1977 at Cabot Beach Provincial Park, Prince Edward Island. Approximately 16,000 Scouts and Venturers were in attendance.

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